Do you consider yourself a cigar enthusiast? How much do you know about the experience of smoking a cigar or selecting the best cigar to satisfy your palate? Do you feel inexperienced when you visit your local cigar shop on the hunt for the same old brand every week?
In addition to being a friendly, knowledgeable liquor store, A & M Beverage enjoys educating every cigar lover to enlighten its followers with some common words and definitions to consider regarding both the construction and the experience of smoking a cigar.
From the physical appearance to the finish, there are many levels to smoking a quality cigar and, more importantly, understanding the sensations brought on while enjoying it. Let’s break down the process and explore the components for you here.
The Cigar Appearance
“Don’t judge a book by its cover” is an age-old phrase that encourages individuals to approach whatever with an open mind. However, this does not apply to cigars; a cigar’s construction and overall makeup affect its smoking experience.
The wrapper of a cigar itself is a vital characteristic of a cigar. For example, there is a noticeable difference between a shade-grown and a sun-grown cigar wrapper. Shade-grown wrappers are more elastic with thinner veins, while sun-grown counterparts have noticeably thicker veins.
Also, some wrappers are seamless, where the exterior is a smooth, consistent wrap, while others not only show the seam but may appear splotchy with inconsistent coloration. As an enthusiast, you undoubtedly develop a preference for these aesthetics.
The Smoking Experience
Beyond looks, once you fire up a cigar, every stage of the smoking process is similar to culinary experiences, from the character of how the cigar smokes through how you exhale matters and can either enhance the experience or cause it to fall short.
Also affiliated with the construction experience, a cigar’s burn dramatically impacts the overall smoking experience and should happen evenly at the foot. In addition, it allows the blend of tobacco to taste the way it should. It also helps a cigar be well-rounded by stimulating all the senses on the tongue and the palate.
As you draw, how does the cigar smoke overall? What about the flavor of the smoke? And whether you exhale or retro-hale, where you circulate the smoke from your mouth through your nose without ever inhaling, the finish should be a positive experience that lingers on your palate in that aforementioned well-rounded way.
Your Local Cigar Experts
Conveniently located in Grovetown, A & M Beverage offers a wide variety of regional craft beers, exceptional wine, and premium liquors. We also boast a well-curated cigar section and employ a cigar enthusiast who rotates our brands and can answer all your cigar-related questions.
Stop in and take a glance at our humidors to see what we have in stock!